Because we sell you the best Egyptian cotton sheets in New Zealand, we want to give you a heads up on how to care for them. Pure Egyptian cotton is such soft and smooth material, and caring for it gently and properly is key.

First, set the machine on a gentle wash, on a cold was or warm but no hotter than 40℃. This will protect the softness of your cotton, keeping it silky smooth.
Next, make to use a delicate laundry detergent or something that's not too harsh.
Then you can either hand dry your sheets on a drying rack, I personally use a wooden drying rack to dry most of our bedding. Check out our wooden drying racks here!. Or this cotton can be put in dryer and set to a no heat, air dry cycle. This will stop the sheets from getting stiff or crunchy.

Having this or any kind of luxury bedding is not meant to sound like a lot of extra work and time. We are only letting you know how to care for your sheets to keep them in brand new soft silky condition. Just a flick of a switch on your machine can mean that you can continue to get the best sleep of your life.
Comment down below for any more tips and tricks you would like to find out more about when it comes to bedding!